Vendor Insurance Approvals:

For vendors to obtain approval to access and service your suite, the vendor must submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI) that complies with Property Insurance Requirements, see the Vendor Insurance Requirements section for details on requirements.  Property Coordinators and Managers can assist with reviewing the COI to ensure compliance.  Once the vendor is approved, you will need to add them into Angus, see the Angus Instructions section for instruction on entering vendors into Angus.


The following are general insurance requirements for contractors working at building.  Additional coverages or endorsement language may be required depending on scope of work.

General Liability:

  1. Occurrence form, limits should apply per project
  2. Limits:
    1. $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
    2. $2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations
  • $2,000,000 General Aggregate
  1. Blanket Additional Insured by written contract is acceptable. Additional Insured endorsement policy will include the Entities specified below as additional insureds on endorsements CG2010 (04/13) and CG2037 (04/13) or their equivalent.  Copies of said endorsements must be attached to the certificate of insurance, showing the names of the entities specified below.  The certificate must affirm that coverage is provided for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability that is assumed in a written contract or agreement.

Additional Insured Wording:

Additional Insureds endorsement attached shall name the following entities as: 

It  is  understood and agreed that  350 South Grand  Avenue (LA)  Owner,  LLC,  CIM  Group  LLC, and their officers, directors, employees, divisions, subsidiaries, partners, members, managers, shareholders, affiliated companies and mortgagees/lenders are included as additional insureds under this policy, with respect to legal liability or claims caused by, arising out  of,  or  relating  to  the acts or omissions, work or work product, of the named insured or of others performed on behalf of the named insured.”

  1. Endorsement noting the General Liability insurance is Primary and Non-contributory, must be attached.
  2. Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement must be attached.


  1. $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit
  2. Certificate should reference at minimum – hired and non-owned autos. Owned Autos should be referenced if there are owned autos


  1. $5,000,000 Each Occurrence
  2. $5,000,000 General Aggregate

Workers’ Compensation/Employers’ Liability

  1. Statutory Limits should be referenced on certificate for Workers’ Compensation
  2. Employers’ Liability Limits of $1,000,000 should be referenced in each box in appropriate section.
  3. Waiver of Subrogation endorsement must be provided.

Professional Liability (applies to design/engineering)


  1. $1,000,000 Each Claim
  2. $1,000,000 Aggregate
  3. Claims Made is acceptable

Additional Requirements

  1. The insurer(s) (i) shall have a minimum A.M. Best’s Rating of A-/VIII and shall be admitted to conduct business in California, OR (ii) shall have a minimum A.M. Best’s rating of A-/VIII and be authorized as Surplus Lines insurers to do business in California.
  2. Completed and On-Going Operations endorsements must be provided.

See examples provided below for additional information.


Certificate Holder:

350 South Grand Avenue (LA) Owner, LLC Attention: CIM Management Office

350 S. Grand Ave., Suite 2230 Los Angeles, CA 90071


350 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90071

Property Management Office: (213)625-3525