May Newsletter



Wellness Wednesdays

Recharge Hour

Every Wednesday

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 
ETC Room

May Special Event

Cinco de Mayo 

City National 2CAL invites you to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Join us and try our complimentary salsa bar, virgin margaritas and live entertainment. 

Friday, May 3, 2019
11:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Upper Plaza

Ride & Dine

Ride & Dine to Olvera St. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pick up from City National 2CAL
Olive Street Next to Garage Exit
11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:45

Pickup from Olvera St.
12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30

Places to Dine at Olvera St.
Cielito Lindo
La Golondrina Cafe
La Luz Del Dia
Las Anitas Mexican Restaurant

Register Here
You Asked, We Listened!
Gentle Stretch Yoga

You asked, and City National 2CAL listened! Join us for our next Helipad Gentle Stretch Yoga. 

Wednesday, May, 29, 2019
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM &
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Registration Opens May 20th

Please email your Client Experience Ambassador,
Patricia Jimenez for registration details. Hold Harmless
agreement must be submitted prior to May 29th. 

(attendance is limited to first 35 people who register)

We've Launched Our New Website

City National 2CAL's New Website 

We are proud to announce the launch of the Property’s official website:
The newly developed website contains important information on the Property’s many resources and amenities, including Direction & Parking, Amenities, Events & Happenings, and Local Finds. There is much more to explore at the new City National 2CAL website.  We encourage you and your colleagues to pay the site a visit! 
Please Note: There are many links on the site that are distinguished by a unique font color.  Whenever you see Blue Bolded Text, feel free to click on the text to be directed to the page the text describes.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact our office at 213.625.3525. 

Grand Opening

Serendipity Labs

Discover a new workspace when Serendipity Labs opens next month at City National 2CAL. Find flexible workspace options to fit your lifestyle including private offices, dedicated desks, team rooms, coworking and meeting and event space on the 1st and 18th floors. Consider Serendipity Labs for your next corporate meeting or event. Contact Alana Trubitz for more information or call: 949.596.9290.

Retailer of the Month

George's Greek Grill

Free hummus appetizer with purchase of any sandwich, salad or entree.  

(Please present building badge when placing your order)

Earth Day Raffle Winners
City National 2CAL would like to thank everyone who attended our "Earth Day" event, and to congratulate our raffle winners; Catalina Llamas from Clune Construction, Helen Chin from MTO, Rika Saito from Mizuho Bank Ltd., Lai Yan-Long and Alen Wu from Taboola, Kim Acoya and Helen from Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co., and Ashma Khadka, Snigha Biju, Kan Leon, and Billy Alvarez from City National Bank. 
Discount Tickets
For a list of discounted tickets, please visit your Client Experience Ambassador every Thursday from 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM in the Lower Level next to the escalators. 

Happy to Assist

Patricia Jimenez
Client Experience Ambassador

Email Patricia Jimenez

Patricia is available Monday-Friday
from 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM 
Copyright @ 2015 CIM Group, All Rights Reserved
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City National 2CAL
350 S. Grand Ave. Suite 2230
Los Angeles CA 90071

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