Contractor-vendor access approval


City National 2CAL is a secure building.  Only tenant employees with access cards and their registered guests are allowed admittance to the tower. All guests, couriers, and vendors must be registered using the online Angus program.  For more information on inputting visitors in Angus, please see the Angus Instructions tab on the Tenant Requests page.

Visitor and Vendor access is also managed through Angus.  If you are expecting a visitor or vendor, please input them in Angus so Security personnel will be prepared for their arrival, see the Angus Instructions section for instructions on inputting visitors in Angus. 

  1. Before registering a vendor/contractor in Angus, please provide the Property Management Office with a COI for the vendor and a completed Contractor-Vendor Access Request Form.
  2. To avoid delays or interruptions with your scheduled service vendors, make sure you obtain approval prior to confirming a service appointment with your vendor or contractor.
  3. Please allow at least 2 business days for feedback regarding your vendor(s)/contractor(s) approval.

NOTE – Electrical, Mechanical, HVAC, and Plumbing work as well as work to be done in the Building’s Main Point of Entry, Electrical, and or Telephone Room(s) will require more information before approval from Property Management.

  1. Property Management approves vendor requests DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS ONLY (8:30 AM – 5:00 PM). If you do not receive approval by 2:00 PM the day before the requested access date, please contact the Property Management Office.
  2. On the designated date, the approved vendor or contractor checks in with Security at the Loading Loading Dock normal business hours are from 6:00 AM – 6:30 PM. The authorized tenant representative who entered the vendor or contractor request receives an automated notification email from Angus, indicating that the vendor or contractor has checked in.
  3. All contractors, sub-contractors, and vendors working in the building must also check in with the Engineering Office (located on P-2, the same level as the Loading Dock). Please time their visit accordingly.
  4. Vendor or contractor should then proceed to the tenant floor via the Freight Elevator.

Why is my vendor being turned away or held up by Security?

  • The Tenant’s COI is not current
  • The vendor’s or contractor’s COI was not submitted to, or approved by, Property Management
  • The vendor’s or contractor’s scope of work was not approved by Property Management
  • Access request was not submitted in Angus Anywhere.

Other Vendor Policies:

  • After business hours, Security will turn away any vendors not entered (or entered incorrectly) on Angus or who were not approved per Property Management.
  • If the vendor is not registered in Angus and arrives during business hours, Security will contact Property Management, who will check for a Certificate of Insurance. If Property Management approves the work, Security will then contact the tenant for approval. 
  • In order to perform work at City National 2CAL, all vendors are required to provide a photo ID to the Loading Dock officer, who will return the ID upon the vendor’s check-out.
  • Vendors must take ALL trash with them. No trash or delivery pallets may be left behind on the Loading Dock, freight elevator lobbies, or other locations about the Property.
  • Contractors/Couriers are only allowed to park at the Loading Dock during business hours for 30 minutes. If your vendor needs extended parking at the Loading Dock, prior approval will be required from Property Management. Please note: due to the high volume of daily delivery traffic in the Loading Dock, these requests are not normally approved.


350 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90071

Property Management Office: (213)625-3525